Your Guide to the Hostile Environment First Aid Training (HEFAT) Course

Are You Prepared?

Enrolling on the Hostile Environment First Aid Training (HEFAT) course is a significant step towards becoming proficient in emergency response techniques in high-risk areas. This guide provides an overview of what to expect from your training at HET and offers practical advice to ensure you get the most out of this intensive four-day training.

Course Overview

Duration and Location:
  • Duration: 4 days (09:00 - 18:00 each day)
  • Location: Hampshire

This HEFAT course is designed to significantly enhance your capability to handle medical emergencies in hostile environments by teaching advanced trauma care, how to use sophisticated medical equipment and skills in strategic survival. It is aimed at those without prior training and those seeking to scale their existing skills, who may encounter medical emergencies in high-risk situations.

The HEFAT course merges the critical knowledge and skills taught on our 3-Day HEAT course which is designed to teach you the essential skills to navigate dangerous situations, minimise risk, and ensure your safety. With the advanced medical training covered on our 2-Day HETC course which is specifically tailored for hostile environments, empowering you to provide immediate medical assistance to those in need.

What to Expect in a HEFAT Course

Advanced Skill Development: Learn to manage complex medical situations and trauma. Understand the impact of landmines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and other weapons. The Trauma First Aid Course includes realistic scenarios that simulate the pressures and decisions you would face in a hostile environment.

Comprehensive Risk Preparation: The HEFAT course covers a broad spectrum of potential threats and teaches effective risk assessment and mitigation strategies. You will leave with the confidence to navigate diverse environments and respond to immediate and evolving threats.

Specialised Training Modules:

  • Kidnap and Hostage Scenarios: Understand survival strategies and psychological resilience.

  • Understanding Vehicle Safety: Learn how to navigate road blocks and vehicle checkpoints.

  • Landmine and IED Awareness: Get practical knowledge on detecting and avoiding explosive hazards.

  • Navigation and Two-Way Radio Communication Training: Master essential skills for orientation and secure communication in unfamiliar settings using two-way radios.

  • Conflict Management and Weapon Familiarisation: These elements are crucial for managing threats and understanding the basics of weapon safety.

How to Prepare for the HEFAT Course

  1. Physical and Mental Fitness: Be prepared for hands on activities. Mental resilience is also central, as the Trauma First Aid Training will test your ability to cope with stressful scenarios.

  2. Appropriate Clothing and Equipment:
  • Clothing: Durable, weather-appropriate attire.
  • Footwear: Robust footwear with good grip and preferably ankle support.
  • Other: A note pad and pen are required.
  1. Pre-course Study: If provided, thoroughly review pre-course materials. If you wish to familiarise yourself with basic first aid and trauma care principles. You can take a look at our resources on understanding the basics of navigation, threat assessment, and two-way radio communication training can also be beneficial.

  2. Travel and Accommodation: Plan your travel to ensure daily punctuality. If you’re not local to Hampshire, consider nearby accommodation to reduce daily commute stress.

The HEFAT course is designed to train and transform how you perceive and react to risks in hostile environments. By arriving well-prepared, you can focus on absorbing the advanced skills and knowledge this industry-leading Trauma First Aid Course offers. Prepare to be challenged, enlightened, and ultimately educated.  Book your place on the HEFAT course today.